Have the best conversation of your life at dinner with strangers

What is ConnectSix?

Real friends come from real connection. Real connection comes from real conversation.

Food helps too.

Our six-person dinner parties are designed to foster deep conversations, allowing you to explore big ideas and diverse perspectives. By bringing together small groups in a welcoming environment, we create the perfect setting for genuine relationships to form and flourish.

Join us and discover the magic!

Friends laughing on rooftop

How does it work?

Sign up. Tell us about you. We’ll set you up at a six-person dinner party with others who are eager to meet new people and engage in stimulating discussions.

Each dinner is carefully curated with a thought-provoking conversation topic (friendship, identity, the meaning of care, etc.). This is a structured event with a specific form and flow.

Tell us afterwards who you’d like to stay connected to, and if the feeling is mutual we’ll share their contact info.

Friends clinking wine glasses